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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

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How Do I Find Out About Clinical Trials in My Area?

If you are interested in learning more about our enrolling studies, please call OnSite Clinical Solutions at (800) 785-3150, or complete our online contact form. Our staff will determine your eligibility for any ongoing studies and, with your permission, may contact you regarding eligibility for current and future studies.

Are There Any Risks Involved in Taking Part In a Clinical Trial?

Our study doctors and coordinators watch you carefully for any changes in your health. You are always free to leave the study. The risks will vary depending on the kind of trial you join. Here are some of the possible risks:

  • You may develop side effects from taking a new medication that is being tested.
  • Sometimes visits for certain clinical trials are frequent and time consuming.
  • The therapy/medication you receive may not be effective or you may be assigned to a placebo group.
Who is in Charge of My Care During a Clinical Trial?

Most of the time participants can continue to work with their own healthcare provider or a different physician that specializes in that particular disease or condition. Participants also work closely with OnSite's research team to ensure that other medications or treatments will not conflict with the study medication and the trial protocol. OnSite's research team works closely with each participant to assist the physician throughout the entire trial.

Participants in clinical trials are often more closely monitored than patients treated outside clinical trials. This is because trial protocol requires detailed collection of health data and frequent patient checkups to assess how patients are doing. In addition, the research physicians typically come from specializations related to the particular disease or condition. So usually the study indication is the focus of their work.

What Are The Benefits of Participating in a Clinical Trial?

There are many potential benefits of taking part in a clinical trial depending on which study you join. Although every benefit below may not be guaranteed for each study, you may receive:

  • Free health exams.
  • Access to new research treatments before they are widely available.
  • Access to new treatments that could be more effective for you.
  • Be a more active participant in your healthcare.
  • Study scans at no cost to you. (Ex: MRI, CT, X-Ray)
  • Study medications at no cost to you.
  • Answer questions that could bring about better health care and medicinal options for people with your condition in the future.

You will be made aware of the benefits you will receive for your particular research study before joining. You will play an active role in your own healthcare and help others by contributing to medical research regardless of whether or not these benefits will apply to you. If you choose to participate in a trial we guarantee you will obtain expert medical care at leading healthcare facilities during the trial.

Who Can Participate in a Clinical Trial?

Every clinical trial has guidelines regarding who can participate. Inclusion criteria are the factors that allow someone to participate if they meet the qualifying criteria. Exclusion criteria are a set of factors that disallow someone from participating. These criteria are based on factors like age, gender, the type and stage of a disease, previous treatment history, and other medical conditions. Before joining a clinical trial, a participant must qualify, or be eligible to participate in the study. To see if you qualify for a particular research study please call (800) 785-3150 or fill out our contact form.

What is a clinical trial or clinical study and what's its purpose?

Clinical trials are carefully designed research studies where individuals with certain ailments sign up to help physicians find new ways to improve health care related to specific diseases or medical conditions. Every clinical trial aims to answer scientific questions and find better ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat a particular condition. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) requires clinical trials before a new medication can be approved.